Monday, December 14, 2009

The whole world is obsessed with Facebook...

... so my story about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's privacy settings fiasco is making the rounds. I'm seeing traffic flowing in from:

-- Germany: "Facebook-Chef Zuckerberg gibt Privatbilder frei" in Golem
-- France: "Le créateur de Facebook s'expose sur son profil" in Figaro Blog's TechNotes and "Le fondateur de Facebook piégé par les nouveaux paramètres "vie privée" du site" in Le Monde
-- England: "Zuckerberg pictures exposed by Facebook privacy roll-back" in the Register
-- Australia: "Privacy overhaul catches Facebook boss" in the Sydney Morning Herald
-- Italia: "Il fondatore di Facebook si mette in piazza, con le sue foto" in Il Corriere
-- Finland: "Facebook-uudistus oli liian sekava jopa Zuckerbergille?" in a publication with a title I can't even read.

The Italian headline is the only one I can confidently translate. It reads, "The founder of Facebook is put in his place, with photos."

And here's a link to the BBC interview I did. Facebook is at 19:00 minute mark.

I'm still waiting for some hits from Asia...

The Newshour [BBC Radio]

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Washingtonian Magazine,, and BBC's Newshour

The latest (and longest) "real ink" project: the cover story for Washingtonian Magazine's December issue. David Lat and I answered the question: Why do lawyers make so much money?

Though I'm definitely more comfortable in the role of reporter, I'm starting to be asked to play privacy pundit. In November, the New York Times asked me to write a mini op-ed about Tiger Woods and the right to privacy for its Room for Debate blog.

This month, BBC radio asked me to talk about Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook privacy settings for its Newshour, based on this True/Slant post. A Facebook friend reports: "Heard you on the Beeb/NPR yesterday, talking about Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page, all the way down here in Houston."