-- Germany: "Facebook-Chef Zuckerberg gibt Privatbilder frei" in Golem
-- France: "Le créateur de Facebook s'expose sur son profil" in Figaro Blog's TechNotes and "Le fondateur de Facebook piégé par les nouveaux paramètres "vie privée" du site" in Le Monde
-- England: "Zuckerberg pictures exposed by Facebook privacy roll-back" in the Register
-- Australia: "Privacy overhaul catches Facebook boss" in the Sydney Morning Herald
-- Italia: "Il fondatore di Facebook si mette in piazza, con le sue foto" in Il Corriere
-- Italia: "Il fondatore di Facebook si mette in piazza, con le sue foto" in Il Corriere
-- Finland: "Facebook-uudistus oli liian sekava jopa Zuckerbergille?" in a publication with a title I can't even read.
The Italian headline is the only one I can confidently translate. It reads, "The founder of Facebook is put in his place, with photos."
And here's a link to the BBC interview I did. Facebook is at 19:00 minute mark.
I'm still waiting for some hits from Asia...
The Newshour [BBC Radio]